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A rough dry skin eruption marked by keratosis and usually associated with vitamin A deficiency—called also toad skin.

The skin bumps tend to occur mainly on the trunk and extremities.

The major reason behind toad skin are-
·         Sometimes the body become excessively deficit in certain vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B complex and vitamin E, as a result the chances of this kind of disorder tend to increases.
theses vitamins are considered to be absolutely essential for maintaining appropriate skin conditions.

·         Over avoidance of green vegetable could be another reason. 
·         Deficiency in essential fatty acid is another causative agent in the conditions of phrynoderma. More importantly human need poly unsaturated fatty acid called PUFA for maintaining the appropriate functioning of the body.
·         The other major causes behind this diseases condition is malabsorption due to nay medical surgery like colectomy, large intestine resection, pancreatic failure or small bowel bypass surgery.
·         Alternately in some cases, heredity factors are considered to be the major cause of this problem. If this case has been reported by some member of the family in past generation, there might be the possibility that the genes may become responsible in transmitting it to the next generation.

·         It has been observed that when hypervitaminosis is cause there is a development of symptoms like Night blindness and weakness.
·         Other such symptoms of this diseased condition are glossitis, blepharitis, diarrhea and neuritis which may gets develop when there is acute hyperkeratosis due to vitamin A.
·         There is  a drastic transformation into the color as well as the texture of the skin. Skin become highly scaly and itchy.
·         However the nature of theses scales vary from patient to patient but, follicular plugging is  a common symptoms in all the patient.

·         an appropriate diet rich in vitamin A, E and B complex could be the right treatment in overcoming the diseased condition at av faster rate.
·         Food such as green leafy vegetables , yellow vegetable, whole milk derivative, fish, carrot egg , oils, nuts and unprocessed cereals are effective in achieving a good standard of health.
·         A sufficient administration of Poly unsaturated fatty acid like safflower oil, could be one way to prevent its acute nature.

The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach.
several remedies are available to treat  that can be selected on the basis of CAUSE, sensations, modalities , & Symptoms of the complaints

·         ANT. CRUD
·         THUJA
·         SULPHUR
·         PULS
·         NAT.MUR
·         HYDRC.
·         RHUS TOX
·         ARS ALB
·         APIS MEL
·         CAUSTI
·         ETC


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